Cutina Miller

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Being Stylish 101

  1. Stylish Women are inspired by other stylish women

    1. Think about all of the looks you see your favorite celebs in, take the time to experiment and try to recreate those looks. Right now, during this time of social isolation is the perfect time to try out new looks and figure out what looks fit you best. This is an even better time to gain a better understanding of the self timer on your camera.

  2. Stylish Women Plan

    1. Give yourself time to plan out your looks the night before or even a week out. Sometimes your best outfit ideas come from just sitting down and putting outfits together in your head. Not only is planning a good idea from a styling stand point, it will also save you time in the morning. You will no longer have to scramble around to find something random to wear, because you picked it out the night before.

  3. Stylish Women (over)dress when confused

    1. Don’t know what outfit will fit the occasion? No worries, wear something that will make a statement. This way whether you fit the theme or not, your outfit will be the star of the show.

  4. Stylish Women never forget to accessorize

    1. Let’s face it accessories can make or break your outfit! Don’t forget them! No one ever says, “Oh, I shouldn’t have worn any earrings today.” However, people are always upset when they forget them!

  1. Stylish Women wear Colorful shoes

    1. Shoes are an excellent way to add a little something extra to your outfit! The right bright pair can take your outfit from looking Ok, to being a total knockout.

Wishing you confidence, happiness, and BLING!!